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Sunday 25 November 2012

A Worldly Evening

Cats was in a social mood tonight. A fire got going. Lovely guests arrived and we all learned more about the world.

A quote from my dear lovely neighbour "the beans, humus, and (100% jardin) tabouleh were a classic combination together, and the radish providing another tangy taste".

The main meal was a turkish-turned-Lebanese dish - Shishbarak - a complicated delicious meal that will take a whole blog article to explain (and that is coming tomorrow with the dish's recipe, so tune back in).

 We were privileged to have my dear Iranian friend for dinner to introduce us to Gaz (Persian White Nougat with nuts in it) that came directly from Iran. 

And this brought the worldly evening to a sweet finish accompanied by café blanc and Iranian cotton candy off Main street.

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